Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Latest...

Have you ever felt like times change in the blink of an eye? There are times that change is great and times it doesn't seem quick enough! I am really excited because the latest stories in the paper and also word-of-mouth from those who know in the real estate and mortgage industries is . . . The market is changing! Are we still spiralling downward? No! If there was a pulse we could feel, it would be speeding up. A year ago, we were on the cusp of the decline in real estate tranactions . . . we all sat and speculated. Now, we are faced with a market that is so full of inventory it is literally bloated with GREAT buys! And guess what? People are taking notice!

When was the last time you have heard about multiple offers and bidding wars on a property? You may think that was years ago, in the boom times. Guess what? It is happening again! Now, I will cautiously say this is not like the boom times with inflated values and loans - there is much prudence on the part of the banks, and also with regard to the buyers.

The market is changing, though...All the people priced out previously who waited patiently until a time when prices were reasonable, their money was saved and they could get a great loan rate are waking up and realizing that the time is now! There are properties priced so low they are sparking bidding wars (Yes, in Glendora, nonetheless). Look around and you will start to notice that the house up the street priced way below market value is selling - and it is selling for more than the asking price.

The real estate market has its share of ups and downs; the change is always inevitable. It has not been change in the blinks of an eye, rather like change as one wakes up from a long slumber.
As the rest of America forces open their eyes, blinks and adjusts their focus, you may realize the time to act is now!

As always I am here to answer any questions you have about real estate! Please call or email me and I will promise you service you can TRUST!

Happy shopping!


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