Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Coyote Watch!!!

For those who live in foothill communities and deal with wildlife - I have a story for you!

Our neighborhood is just south of the foothills in Glendora and provides a comfy home to its residents. We are also an area near the old avocado groves and, of course, there are remnants of the trees around us. There are also many citrus trees left from the days of old, therefore, there is plenty of food for critters.

We currently have 2 coyotes that have moved into the backyard of our neighbor. The house is directly across from us. Our neighbor rarely goes into his backyard and has no pets of his own. Given the quiet seclusion of his yard, the coyotes have found a place to make a home - close to food and water sources.

Would it surprise you to know that despite many neighbor's witnessing the home these coyotes have made, and despite several calls to the Police Dept. and the animal control, we have all been told the same thing: There is absolutely nothing the police or animal control can or will do to deter the coyotes from inhabiting the yard.

Yes - nothing.

The advice several of us in the neighborhood have been given is this: Keep small pets inside. Do not let children play in the front yard. Keep a watch for them when entering the front yard. Do not let kids walk family pets down the street. And, if there is anything more we want done, we are to contact the Dept. of Fish and Game and ask them.My neighbor has scared the coyotes out of his yard, and we have seen them actually hop onto a block wall and jump down - yet they still return to the yard later on. Considering they feel at home in the yard, they seem to expect to be able to return.

So, as we near spring (ok, in a couple more months!) and we survey our area - if you are anywhere near the foothills, look closely! Look closely at the yards around you - look close at the yards of your neighbors and remember - it is up to you and your neighbors to make your neighborhood safe against coyotes! These animals will make a home where they can find food, water and shelter. Even though there are many dogs in our neighborhood - in fact all around this home I am writing about - the coyotes are not deterred. Coyotes are creatures of habit and will continue their nesting if they have undisturbed access to a comfortable area.

Just remember to be careful when you are out walking! Although coyotes usually run away from us and do not cause any harm, when they are establishing in neighbrhoods, it starts to become their territory. And of course, even though the police and animal control will do nothing to help, report it anyway.

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