Monday, November 30, 2009

25 days till Christmas! Countdown to 2010!

Well, the holidays are officially upon us! Can you stand it? The endless commercials for toys and products that will most likely end up running out of batteries or in a landfill somewhere in a few months??!! This year the Dover's are trying to be intentional about everything we buy - for instance, each kid is getting their own tree! Keeley's orange tree has been planted, Zack wants a lemon tree and Ian wants an apple tree. While I loved to garden as a child, I am finding it just as rewarding now - but requiring more effort!

The Dover garden is growing and indeed, we will have/or are yielding plenty of our own peas, pumpkins, tomatoes, garlic, oregano, and basil (we have TONS if anyone needs any, please let me know!!) We have started composting with my gift to myself of a new compost bin!!! I purchased it from the city of Glendora for $25!!! What makes this possible is of course because we have our own land and we can do with it what we please.....but it doesn't take much! Anyone with a small patch of dirt can grow things!! So as we approach the holidays, I encourage you all to consider planting a seed of some kind - literally and figuratively. Being intentional about what is planted is our responsibility as human beings (at least I think so).

We will all fail at times, but we can keep trying!!! And if you are looking for a place to plant your garden, and are thinking you might want to lease - or buy a place that makes it possible - I am always here! Those of you that know me and may have even been my clients have seen how I take pride in the leg-work, the research and the true responsibility that comes with finding your HOME. With the great tax credits for new and existing home buyers, this is a wonderful time to intentionally purchase a place that you can plant your seeds!

If you are ready to put down your roots, give me a call!!! And if you are like me, and are still testing the ground to see what grows - I wish you the best of luck on your efforts!!!

May 2010 be a time to focus on and realize the abundant blessings already yours!

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