Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What kind of agent do you want?

What is the first picture that comes to mind when you think of a REALTOR (or real estate agent?) Someone like a used-car salesman, trolling along, looking for the next "victim"? Do you think of someone slick, boisterous, dimple cheeked and twinkle eyed? Or do you think of a slender, sly Eddie Haskell like person, waiting to manipulate the next situation? All of these perceptions are negative - and too often, they are true.

But, I am here to say, we are NOT all like any of those people. I prefer the honest, discerning approach to sales. I sometimes feel like a counselor, navigating through the process with an emotional couple, or people in all sorts of transition. A huge part of my job is establishing trust with my clients. If you have an agent that you have worked well with, you know what I mean. If you have an agent that made you question things more than understand them, I think you also know what I mean!

So, what are some good criteria when looking for a truly honest, hardworking agent?

1. Make sure that the facts they use to represent themselves are true -- and not inflated! I know of an agent who has claimed to be an expert in a certain area of sales - yet I know he did far less sales then he claims. It is aggravating to me and other agents -- and it is scary to think of the clients that believe him!
2. Make sure their Real Estate license is current, assigned to a broker in the area you are looking to move, and that they do not have any violations against them! (Look on CAR.org and enter license look-up)
3. Make sure their advertisements are where they say they are! Ask for copies, or look on your own. Do you see the ads they said they are paying for? You should!
4. Ask for references. A good reference can help clarify if the agent is the right choice for you!
5. Remember experience counts, but so does integrity! Look for honesty, validate what you are told and make sure they are not "too busy" to personally meet you at properties or inspections! A good agent will always schedule their time and be present.

Of course the above criteria are totally based on what I would want in a REALTOR. I made this list myself after buying our first home with a "Top Producing" agent. I realized I would do the job very differently -- and became a REALTOR. As a wife and mom, I know purchasing a home is one of the most important decisions a person can make....MAKE SURE you are with a TRUSTED AGENT!!!!

Happy House hunting!!!!

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